Notes from Phone Call #2 with 5280 Prosthetic’s staff
Date: 7.24.18
Time: 11-11:30 AM
Location: 5280 Prosthetics LLC, 1501 West Campus Drive, Suite J, Littleton, Colorado 80120
Project Team Members: Mr. Johnston
Staff Interviewed: Clint Accinni, CPO
Can separate inductive charger be mounted to the limb?
Yes, but Clint did not seem to feel it was necessary. They tried to use magnets for the inductive device to create a different interface, but they blew up their circuitry. What they did was have a plastic piece of the socket peal back and then the user could place it in the inductive charger. They had to make their own inductive charger which was an issue and an extra cost. With the wired charger they now have, anyone can purchase it on Amazon.
The Smart Puck NEVER leaves the socket. Patient do not want to remove it as the vacuum it creates sucks it deeper into the socket. Even the wired charging port has the adapter below the seal.
Can a separate Puck charger be developed?
Yes, they have done that on the inductive end but it increases the price and they have to manufacture it.
Why did the inductive charging system you developed fail?
Patients had a hard time balancing the entire limb to create contact with the charging interface. It was a smaller interface and if it did not connect exactly right, it would not charge.
Can you send us an old Smart Puck with inductive charging?
Yes, just let us know what you need and we will send it to you.
How much energy does it expend in one day?
Good question, not sure, the Smart Puck uses a 1000 mA battery. It is advertised that it will last up to 3 days. It is a lithium Polymer battery. This time frame does not include any use at night of the limb.
Do you have an energy management system?
Yes, the App we have will measure battery life in a percent.
Would it be useful to have an App that will give the user a expected percentage of battery life left it they are going to travel with the limb or use it for a work purpose?
Yes, this would be helpful.
Can the limb be redesigned to accommodate a kinetic energy harvesting device?
No, it can’t be redesigned. Clint felt the best route to accomplish that was to plug into the existing charging port. A wire would have to be run up from the device on the outside of the socket. Wires on the outside of the socket are a concern, but may be able to be addressed in future designs.
Clint felt a kinetic energy charging system would be a very interesting adaptation for the Smart Puck.